The mission of the English Language Education (ELE) Program at BDEA is to ensure all of our English learners (ELs) are provided the opportunity to participate meaningfully in our general education program, gain social and academic English proficiency, and develop essential skills and habits that promote lifelong learning and college and career readiness, all while simultaneously affirming our students’ identity, language, and culture.
BDEA acknowledges its responsibility under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 to avoid discrimination in policies and practices regarding its personnel and students. No discrimination against any person with a disability shall knowingly be permitted in any program or practices in the school district.
The purpose of the Special Education Department Staff Handbook is to assist school personnel so that their practice is consistent with Federal, State, and District requirements. This handbook has been developed as a resource for the BDEA Staff Administration and Community. It references state and federal regulations and the procedures of BDEA. The following policies and procedures are aligned with The Massachusetts Department of Education, Massachusetts General Laws ch. 71B, et seq., Special Education Regulations 603 CMR 28.00 et. seq. and IDEA 2004. The IDEA is close to the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), helping to ensure equity, accountability, and excellence in education for children with disabilities.
Dear Parent: This document explains the educational rights of students with disabilities to attend Massachusetts charter schools and to receive appropriate special education services in those charter schools. Both federal and state law requires that admission to a charter school be conducted without regard to or consideration of whether the child has a disability, and so charter schools are open to all students, whether or not they are eligible to receive special education services. Charter schools must provide special education services, up to the limits specified under the state charter school law, to all eligible students. This is a summary of your student’s rights to attend and receive needed services from his or her charter school.
The Special Education Department at BDEA provides a variety of programming to support the success and academic achievement of all learners. Every special education student is assigned a case manager who coordinates services for each grade level, schedules meetings, and regularly communicates with parents/guardians. While it is the goal for all students to receive as much of their education in the general education setting, BDEA also offers services outside of the classroom.
Parents or guardians may elect to enroll homeless students in the school district in which the student is sheltered or temporarily residing, rather than having the student remain in the school of origin. Enrollment changes for homeless students should take place immediately.