If you wish to find out more about staff, please click on the individual’s name.
All extensions are preceded by the school’s phone number: 617 635-6789
- Administrative Staff
- BDEA 2.0
- Blended Learning
- English Learner
- Health Services
- Leadership Team
- Operations Staff
- Post-Graduate Planning
- Special Education
- Student Support
- Teaching Faculty
Adrianne Level
Alyson (“Sully”) Harris
Anita Ivarson
Blaine Yesselman
Dena M. Vicente
Edwin Armas
Evelyn Vanessa Castillo
Farrah Pierre-Louis
Irma Camacho (She/Her)
Jennie has been a faculty member with Boston Day and Evening Academy since its inception as the Downtown Evening Academy in 1994. She has taught in high schools in California and Massachusetts. For many years, Jennie was the coordinator of the Distance Learning Program, serving students who are not able to come to school every day.  Jennie emphasizes to all of her students the importance of passion; in reaching their academic potential, as well as continuing to use their strengths and passions to grow and learn after graduation.
Jennie holds a B.A. in Speech Communication from Purdue University, an M.A. in Guidance Counseling from Bridgewater State University, and has a certification in Speech Communication, ELA, and Guidance Counseling. Jennie is part of the Humanities department.
Email Jennie:Â jhallisey@bostonpublicschools.org